Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Would you eat this if you were starving to death and had no sources of food?

a href=",r:1,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

I need help right now pleaase?

please help me fix this paragraph withbetter detail "A baby is as joyful as your favorite song .A baby makes all kinds of sounds .this may sound silly but there almost as a parrot they could really mock you with every thing you may say. A baby may try to tell you something though you may not understand it and while there eating the sounds of those bubbles are hysterical a baby could really do those bubbles all day .but what a baby could really do much more than bubbles and drool is of course cry . A baby could cry the sound wheen there just in pain or uncomfortable its not adorable at all it quite painfull to hear actually and not able to figure out why there crying its really just devastating tomy ears poor baby that’s all that runs through my mind.further more but the best sound that a baby makes it when there laughing of joy now that’s a song to my ears . Either there being tickled or watching something that makes them laugh its really so much joy its as sweet as vanilla Sunday it truly is the best joy that could bring to my ears my mind and my heart." thank you

Scantron test results??? ninth grader?

440 per minute?! -____________- People like you just make me so jealous!!!! But yes, that's reaaally good! Congrats! :D

Does he like me? YouR opinion?

Well I like this boy and I've known him ever since the last day of school LAST YEAR. Sometimes I'll catch him staring at me, I look over at him and go "what?" and he's like "huh??" and then I say "You dont think I don't see you staring at me?" and then he blushes. I have his number but he NEVER replies to my texts!!! Hd only replies if it is something important. When we graduated a special class and all got tee shirts I said a few weeks later I said hey, everybody wear the tee shirts? And he was the only one that listened.! I can go on, but do you think he does? When ever he Yates at me he is like checking me out and practically looks like a dog with his big eyes and is drooling! Ill punch him every once in awhile, shove. But one time I was in line holding soda in the lunch Line and he knocked it out of my hands ad I was like "I didnt have any money to pay for that anyways." and then we both started laughing. And one time after lunch I was waiting with my friends for something and he puked me into the wall and I said "What the F-" I turn around there he is standing, smirk on his face and he runs away cuz I give him my evil eye. Would you say he likes me!!???

Seeking the poem that describes a man's return to his wife, who suffered a disfiguring sickness?

There is a poem in English that describes a man's (the poet, I believe) return to his wife who had experienced illness. In it he reassures his wife that he continues to love and cherish her. I think it has been set to music, too. I heard this, probably on NPR, about 15 years ago. Anyone know the poet and poem? Thanks.

What do you make of this Bukowski poem and do you know who he is writing about?

Definitely Hemingway- I love this poem. I think it is written from the perspective of understanding a great deep, troubled mind and maybe he wondered if he himself would end up "on the wall."

How Did A Segregated Media Become The Spokesperson For Minorities.?

When a white executive at NPR called Juan Williams who is black a racist, I decided to take a closer look at the media and entertainment industry and discovered it was dominated by whites, who work in a segregated industry, but seem to think they have a right to label anybody who disagrees with them a racist, while they live their personal lives like a racist

How do house Republicans reconcile this contradiction?

Who invaded Libya without congressional approval? Who made the decision to escalate in Afghanistan? Who broke promises to withdraw from Iraq? Oh, wait.... Obama.

Any fun things to do in Salt Lake City for non-Mormons?

Timpinogus cave in provo, I spelled it wrong. The heber Creeper train by bridal veil falls in Heber UT, Zion national Park. Lagoon, and if that is too expensive for you, see if the road out to Antilope island still exists by the great Salt Lake, float on the the Great salt lake. You can take a tour of the Copper Mind and see the open pit. Fishing, hiking, man there is so much to do......

Problem after shaving?

I lost a bet a couple Of days ago, and had to shave my pubic hair. It's been maybe 3-4 days, and where I shaves there's a rash and what appears to be pimples. And it hurts alot. Anyone know why and how to stop/prevent it? I have to keep said area shaved for a month, and I don't want this happening again once or if I fix it.

Car Talk vs Wait Wait Don't Tell Me: What is your favorite of these 2 NPR radio shows and why?

My dad adores Car Talk, but I love Wait Wait Don't Tell Me. Personally, it's really fun to answer the questions. :)

Boenher said Job,Jobs,Jobs. Where are the jobs bills?

Whe had the vote on the job killing health care act and emergency legislation to de fund NPR. Two weeks off for "constituent work weeks". Where are jobs bills?

How to touch up my horse and also get a bond?

I have just started leasing a horse in May. Being a 13 yr old half arab who was slightly abused a long time ago, she is a little jumpy and unsure, but is a real sweetie. She is great at riding but sometimes, she just does not listen at all. She will turn and go all over the place, despite my handling on the reins. I think we are at the point in our relationship where she is testing my position as boss. What are some exercises that show her who is boss? I like to use natural methods, like how the horses do it in the wild. But anything else is great as well. Now with lunging, she could use some touching up. At the walk, she turns different directions all the time. When cantering, she is good but at random times will spin around. It is a great miracle if she can get a canter in for one whole circle. I know to hold the whip so she will not turn, but it does not work. So how can I get her to lunge properly? When I put the bit in, she flings her head around and refuses to let me put it in. She loves her copper bit, drooling over it. But putting it in is a chore. I can not put my finger in her mouth as she wont hold still! I try to hold her head bu nothing will work. How can I make this process easier on the both of us? Catching her in the field is easy but sometimes, she canters away from me, like on a hot day. She sees me and her pasture mate happily comes to me, but she is like "oh boy! here comes my workout!" How can I make her trust me more? I feel as if we have a weak bond so far, and I know it takes time, but I really would like to have an iron bond. How do horses bond in the wild? How can I bond with her? I have sat with her and scratched her favorite spot...groomed her well and have walked with her. But I feel little love. She likes to rub her head on me and I know she likes it is not that she hates me. Now my last issue: She is herd bound when alone with me. She will turn and try to go back to them. She runs right in front of me and tries to get to their pasture fence. I do not ride her alone yet, but when leading. During these moments...there is no respect for me. How do I show her whose boss, how can I lunge her properly, how can I help her trust me more and how can I get her to stop being herd bound to the point where she runs me over. I know she was abused...not too bad...but just a little abuse can do allot of damage. She trusts her pasture mate and not her rider. I know a horse and rider bond is a two way thing, so how can I improve my handling of her as well? Any natural ways to get trust and love? I know the blowing in the nose, but anything else? Thanks for your POSITIVE answers!

Am I a Republican or a Democrat?

Democratic side: I like Obama, I am pro gay marriage but not gay, I am for legalizing pot, I listen to NPR, I agree with Obama's heal care. Republican side: I am not for abortion, I am not for big government, I am not for higher taxes (even though I dont have to deal with it).

Is technology & instant info making the class warfare crowd OBSOLETE?

Yes, which is why they have to make their big push this year and next. Because this is their last chance.

Why do guys think its disgusting that some girls like guy on guy?

Okay so, from some of my friends when we get talking about girl on girl and guy on guy the guys will like drool as were talking about it basically. And then when a girl brings up that she likes guy on guy its like a crime and its not fair because girls dont mind that guys like girl on girl but its like a crime that some of us girls do like guy on guy?

When Libs bring up Vitter Why do they forget about Rengals Gay male prostitute ring from his house?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do media outlets take money from George Soros when the Society of Professional Journalists' ethical code?

because they have sold out for the income he is providing which means their integrity is a thing of the past

Why are McCain (R-AZ) and Kerry (D-MA) sponsoring a bill to give Obama authorization in Libya for ONE YEAR?

Bi-partisanship gives the bill more credence and power. The question is if enough people on both sides are in agreement. John Kerry is against military conflicts that he thinks does not affect national security and interests. Personally, I think our involvement, being mostly in a support role, will probably be over in perhaps six months. z

Scantron test results??? ninth grader?

Heck yes! That is outstanding for a ninth grader! I myself am a ninth grader as well, and I am only able to read about half as many WPM as you! Keep up the excellent work! :)

I have a extremely sore throat, headaches, body ache, fever, and I keep drooling.?

I'm a 18 year old female, and there white spots in my tonsils. It hurts a lot to swallow, I even cry. What do I do? Go to the ER?

Hey Righties: Who should we thank for the epic win your republican stronghold district in New York?

No, not the Tea Party. Vladimir Lenin can be thanked for this. It was he who said, "tell a lie often enough and it becomes truth." Liberals adhere to this and the lie told often enough was that of medicare being taken away from seniors.

Does jumping the fence make you more illegal than cheating the system?

We deport them all on an equal opportunity basis. There is no special seating for visa over stays on the bus going back to the POE.

Why do men do this? It is so annoying!!!!!!!?

Why do men look (and don't hide the fact they are looking) at other women when they are with their girlfriends? My b/f did this to me, he basically drooled over this other women who was passing by us. I let him know I saw what he did (jokingly) but I started thinking about it and getting more upset. It makes me feel like I'm not good enough. Why would he need to look at other women? Next time he does it I may get cross with him....>:[

I can't Find This Online?

I can't find a website to watch all the BET awards.......the one I am looking for is the BET awards 2005 the full show

Can yogurt powder expire when it's mixed?

I bet this is kinda a stupid question but will powder yogurt expire if its mixed with water and other Liquid stuff that doesn't spoil will it expire? I don't think it does but... ?

Why is the US Military forcing soldiers deployed in Iraq to harvest their own sperm?

Better question - whose lies put the US military in Iraq in the first place? I remember every time I hear of someone be injured or killed.

Liberals: Isn't Ron Paul more "progressive" than Obama?

You people put no thought into the future and natural resources do you? The end justifies the means. Put your girly little emotions aside and get with reality.

This does not add up on Osama?

we'll both be called wackos because we can't take anything on blind faith lol, i would call that intelligent not crazy

How to convert classic mail to beta one?

I had beta mail and one time i mant to sign in I was sent to new page and then new version of yahoomail got open and my email got to newest version but after that the swrver could not open the new one again so the oldest yahoomail ( classic one opened . so I want to convert my email to bet one again .

Bill Clinton wants the internet monitored "it would be like, I don’t know, National Public Radio or BBC"?

Democrats need thought control, gun control, health care control, etc. It is what the Dems do best. Take away any right you may have.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How can I get backstage passes to the BET Closer To My Dreams Concert?

and if I can't get any backstage passes how can i sneak backstage I'm a huge fan and I just have to meet all the Mindless Behavior boys and Diggy Simmons..... by the way I'm going to the one in Detroit

My dog is in trouble help!?

hi please help me my dog just ran outside and was running and just fell on the ground and pooped uncontrollably and was drooling and then stood up and peed he then acted as if he was ignoring me when i was rite next to me and looked disoriented please help

Nice, China is giving Obama's homeland a little kickback for turning our country communist?

Nice, have you put in your request to Webster to have the definition if communism changed or are you just making it up as you go along?

My dog is acting weird after he ate a bone?

I bought a dog bone at the store and gave it to my Boxer, Boaz. He usually scarfs chewbones down but he stopped halfway through and walked away, and then my parents said he was acting a little weird, like acting like he was gonna throw up, but he never did... So I went to the place where he ate the bone and noticed several sharp fragments. He is a boxer so he drools, but not excesively, but his lips are dripping slightly now and he's just laying on the floor. Could he have swollowed a sharp fragment or just have a bellyache from his sensative stomach??

Would anyone like to buy 2 GTX 465 MSI Twin Frozr cards?

I have 2 x GTX 465 MSI Twin Frozr graphics cards that are new still in the box and still in the original plastic wrap. I would like to get $325 back for them (actually paid $350 but whatever). They have never been outside of the original packaging for even a drool-peek. I want to get a video card that I can run 4 monitors with so I have to go Radeon Eyefinity. T_T so sad to have bought these cards and have to turn around and sell them. OOOHHH, just so you know I will also be charging for shipping, dunno where who ever will live so no telling what that will cost. We can do it through pay-pal.

How to politely dislike a dish?

I think your answer was perfectly polite, and if she was offended she was most likely just too sensitive anyway.

Why do certain people get so much attention?

sometime people get attention depending on how cute your face is,if your average your ok, nut if your a 10 then everyone likes you and maybe the reason why they act like they hate because maybe they want you secrectly

NPR: I was away for a couple of days.......?

and it seems the line up has changed. All the shows now come on one hour early. What happen to Michele Martin's show (I can't think of the title right now). Did I miss the announcement of this change?

Help with story???????

Basically my little brother who's a power ranger fan bet me $100 that I couldn't write a storyline for a made up group of rangers. I don't no anything about power rangers I need help, anyone have any ideas for villains or interesting events or something I have 3 hours

Did this badger go into shock?

I totally agree with what you said to "Why bother". I've seen him/her comment rudely on a lot of people's questions ("Why bother" had that coming). I'm not sure if the badger did go into shock The medical definition of shock is: "A critical condition brought on by a sudden drop in blood flow through the body. There is failure of the circulatory system to maintain adequate blood flow." If you didn't see the badger bleeding you might have simply broke it's spine which would result in paralysis. There's nothing anyone could do for that badger and it suffered too much damage to ever go back and survive in the wild. It wasn't you're fault it was just an accident comparable to someone hitting a deer. It probably died shortly after the incident.


Ok so I'm a going to be a freshmen and I want to start the year with a new start. I'm in summer school right now so I have met a few of the kids. I kno its to soon but one boy really caught my eye I dont know what it is about him, but i guess you could say I'm a hopeless romantic. No boy has ever asked me out let alone I'm never the first girl a boy's interested in. Yes, I'm pretty, and no I'm not creepy or whatever, my hygiene is fine, I dont have lice.... you get the point. I'm your typical teen. Anyways I was hoping in summer school I could meet a few new people and ecspecially that one guy. We came from different schools and I dont know much about him. (crazy right?) anyways of course Im outshined by this one girl who came from my school she was weel known (okay so she was popular) but anyways I admit she's pretty but she's hogging my spotlight for gods sake, and on top of that she has a great personality which doesn't help my chances of picking up any of the boys in my class because they all pay attention to her.....except the one guy I like. I feel like runner up miss america or somethin I do have a huge personality around my friends and family, I like to have fun just like any girl... so why dont other people see that. And when I do talk to some of the other guys in my class they just shrug me off.... I swear there all looking at her, and it's not fair cause she gets all the atttention. and not to sound self centered but I AM pretty! Tons of people had said so, but the guys in my class cant seem to see that! why?? and about the guy who I like.... I do like him and maybe because hes the only one not drooling over the girl who literally sitis in front of me!! But anyways I would like to talk to him and get to know him, because he seems like a nice guy but I dont know how to approach him. And like going up and saying hi to him isnt awkward. I dont know if he knows me and I dont know if he likes me but anyways any advice!? Thanks!

Good comebacks to girls drool buys rule?

Good combacks for girls drool boys rule =P These little kids keep bothering me and I just want them to shut up with a good comeback soooo anything is open =)

I am having trouble with listening to music on my i phone?

I just got a new iphone and got the npr app to listen to classical as I go to bed. When the screen shuts off the music stops. It does not do this if the phone is not plugged in to charger. What can I do?

Why was it OK with Republicans and apparently some Democrats that David Vitter did not step down?

Again, they live in contradiction. And for cons here to say "he didn't lie about it" is a crock of crap and shows that they justify what their side does only to turn around and vilify the other side for doing the same thing!! Are people really that full of crap? Like "Cry-Me-A-River" John Boehner. How can THIS guy say anything about Wiener when he, Boehner, is married yet had TWO mistresses!!!?? Please, give me a break, and let's create jobs and fix this economy. It's like they're all children.

Which sort of man makes a better husband?

I'm dating two men right now but only want to see one long term of course. Both in their 30s. They're both very nice and hard working, in the same profession. One is into sports and his xbox and all that kind of thing. He drinks beer and likes the outdoors and fishing. He doesn't really read but at work and likes AC/DC and bands like that. He wears t-shirts and jeans except at work of course. He went to the baseball game today and admitted on the phone they went to Hooters first. The other, who I've known only a little longer, is more serious and he reads a lot and talks about politics and is dedicated to certain causes. He listens to NPR mostly and wants to become influential in the world and change it. He dresses well and has a lot more skin and hair products than I do, which blew me away when I first found out. I'm not going to make a decision by what's on here of course. But I'm wondering which kind of man makes a better husband? Opinions?

How can i get rabies?

ok so a baby raccoon snuck into my house, hes been living in my house now.He's really cute and really friendly. I pet em and fed em blueberries, i havent been bit or scrached, but now i found out that you don't have 2 be bitten to get rabies. That u can get it from its spit. So if its spit got on my cat and then i kiss my cat...i can have rabies? and if it drinks from my cats water dish, and then my cats drink from cats can catch then my cats drool on me ill be infected? is this posible? can some1 help me out. Also my cats were vaccinated 4 years are they in the clear? this raccoon has only been in my attic o it probably isnt infected right?

PLZZZ answer!! Need help really bad...? About guy friends.?

If lads 'drool at your feet' then they might think you are stuck up. You should just be humble and nice. Don't confident but not stuck up confident. Be yourself and genuine:)

Is Obama president to the world?

I remember hearing on NPR that this Syrian protestor lady was deeply dissapointed that Obama did not come rescue them.

Do you consider the media left leaning right leaning or neutral? Please grade the following networks.?

fox, msnbc, abc, nbc, cbs, npr, cnn, pbs. Remember all I am asking for is your opinion of the aforementioned networks. Not their host, talk radio or the like. Athen after rating each L/R/N (neutral) tell me why if you want to explain your view.

Why can't all politicians be as candid and open as Ron Paul?

I know exactly where he's coming from in every vote he casts because he tells me so. If he gets asked a question in an interview you can bet he'll answer it. When he talks you feel like he's actually saying something unlike other politicians who talk a whole lot while revealing nothing. Despite what you think of his views, at least he tells you what they are. I don't think any other politician is as candid. It's a testament to the popularity of his ideas that he even has a career in politics, being as open as he is.

I dont always feel appreciated in my relationship?

Does it matter how much I love and respect my boyfriend, how much I support him, how much I do for him, how much I work out to make sure I stay in shape so I can look good for him and for myself. I just want him to stop checking out other girls and drooling over them. He isn't perfect looking , he could use some improvements himself in the physical aspect of this, by the point is, I love him and respect him enough to always make sure he knows that I love and appreciate him in every way, and sometimes I just don't feel like he is matching me 100%. I just want it to work out but don't want to lose my confidence as a person or in this relationship. Any good advice?? Thank you.

Why is there more racist accusations in politics since Obamas been elected?

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Congratualtions on being a party "tool"... BTW: the ERA or "Equal Rights Ammendment" dealt with women's perceived equality based on "sex", not race, DF, so I suspect you haven't "seen" anything.

Why does my dog throwing up and drooling so much?

At first she was throwing up a lot, she was throwing up grass and some of her dog food and some white sort of stuff. Then I kept her from eating the grass and she stopped. Afterwards, I left her outside with a bowl of milk, a bowl of water w/ baking soda ( my grandmother said that would help), a bowl of water w/ ice, and a bowl of Coca-Cola(I just thought that would help her somehow). She didn't drink any of it though. Not evEn the water! And she kept on doing this thing w/ her mouth, like opening and closing it and drooling a lot ( at this point she stopped throwing up). Then I Put her inside to cool off but she keeps on drooling SO MUCH. Plus she won't drink any of her water she just keeps like put her paws in it and spilling the water all over. What's wrong with my dog? I feel really bad for her :( I can't take her to the vet either, any other day I could but not today (some REALLY bad $ issues).

Lets face it: im an ugly girl.....?

im 15, fat,overweight, i have bags under my eyes, acne which seems to be getting worse, i am a tomboy so i dont put make up on or paint my nails, instead i bite them. i tried looking in the mirror and said some good things about me but all i got was: creative, observant, big eyes and sorta smart (meaning my younger bros r smarter than me but i still get good grades). i just want to give up on trying to look pretty and face facts. im never gonna be one of those super pretty and popular girls at school; im gonna be the nerd with the glasses and the acne who drools over boys she'll never talk to. i feel like no guy will ever like me and i'll become a lonely woman. i dont know what to do cuz i dont want that to happen but im so tired of trying to look my best!

Teething or Sick...How do you tell?

My son is 7 months old and is teething, I can tell because he's chewing on everything and drooling like crazy! BUT about 14 days ago I got a cold virus (fever, runny nose, incredibly sore throat, body aches) which led to a stomach virus a few days later. I went to the doctor and found out it was a virus. About 10 days ago, my son got the same symptoms (runny nose, fever, fussy, not sleeping well), then it started with the diarrhea a few days later (just like mine). His fever was over 99 for about 5 days, but now it's gone. The diarrhea has almost cleared up, he just goes once or twice a day now, which isn't normal, but mine isn't normal yet either. But for the past 2 days he's been INCREDIBLY fussy! Every little thing makes him cry, you can't put him down without him crying and he's waking up 3 times a night, which he NEVER does. This kid is normally VERY happy and sleeps 12 hours a night and 4 hours during the day...and he's not even taking his daytime naps right now. Do you think he's still sick? Could it have turned into a sinus infection (even though he doesn't have a fever anymore) or do you think the virus isn't what's making him so incredibly fussy, it's the teething (even though I can't even see a white tip cutting thru yet). Any experienced parents help would be greatly appreciated :). Thank you

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all.

How to raise money for a concert ticket? ($93.00)?

Okay so here's the deal there's a BET Closer To My Dreams Concert && I really want to go not only because Tyga && Mindless Behavior is going to be there but because Diggy Simmons is also going to be there. I went to the sight where you buys your tickets and there 83.00 dollars plus being able to be in the VIP section is 93.00. I need the money by July 22, because that's when there coming to my town. So any suggestions how to raise money for this I really really wanna go :(

Has the GOP stopped their use of terms like "reload" because they are all out of ammo to use against Obama?

Do you masturbate to 0bama's picture 2 or 3 times a day? 5 times a day? Oh, you pray to him 5 times a day and then play with your pee-peek... And do you face Mecca of Chicago when you pray to him?

Monday, July 18, 2011

What's going on in the rest of the multiverse?

I don't think there are aliens quite as evolved as we are, maybe that sounds arrogant but I do believe there is bacteria and such on other planets

What is wrong with my cat?

I gave my cat a treat and after she had it her mouth she ate it and everything then i went to give her another, but she started chattering her teeth like a person does when they are very cold and she was backing up like she was scared but she was backin up into me, she also started drooling, we got her from the pound, and she is an indoor cat, but sometimes gets out but we quickly get her back in, and this is the first day she has done this, she was perfectly normal before i gave her the treat.

Which would save more: defunding Planned Parenthood and NPR . . .?

One thing would be to turn the prisons into work farms, make them grow what they eat, what they don't use could be sold or traded for things they cant grow or make. Why give them a free ride when other people have to work in order to eat.

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all.

Help me find this poem!?

I heard a review of this poem or collection of poetry several years ago on NPR. The subject was the poet's grieving the loss of his wife, who had died. I think the word "chair" or "chairs" was in the title.

Smoking a real stick like a branch?

My friends told me that they were smoking sticks and i dont do that crap nor do i plan to, ever? I was just like why in the world would you smoke a stick, like a real stick you took off from a branch, i kept telling them that it made them look really stupid and it was pointless. They said that it didnt make them look stupid, it tasted good (hard to believe) and that you couldnt get high off it, is this true because it was really stupid thing for them to do and if they could get high off of it i bet i could make them stop.

What would help me attract a girl?

join gym make your body more attractive...wear cool cloths and have cool hair style too..thats it...!!

Cool electronics and music stores in NYC?

I'm visiting NYC by plane so I'm not necessarily going to buy anything there, I just like walking around and drooling in huge electronics/music stores.

Is NPR an excellent source for misinformation?

It is decent but MSLSD, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Washington Compost, NY Slimes, Daily Kos and the Huffing and Puffing Post are better.

What are some good radio stations to listen to online?

Playing GTA and lsitening to all the crazy made up radio stations there made me feel like listening to the radio a little bit, but not boring music stations, or anything too political. I want something interesting and/or entertaining/funny, and that isn't so serious it would make my brain melt(in other words, not NPR). I am not from a magor western country so I'm not very familiar with the more well known stations out there. And, of course, It would have to be one that I can listen to online. Looking for recommendations!

Is there such thing as a BFE?

I've thought about this a lot too. I guess it's just not socially acceptable for girls to seek out this kind of sexual activity, no matter where you go in the world. I bet if you look hard enough (ha!), somebody offers this activity somewhere. Women have needs too!

African decent with European surname, should I change it?

actually - after being freed slaves often took the last names of their former owners. Why do you care? no one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave. Just do your best to make yur life as great as it can be and stop worrying about things that happened to people 200 years before you were born

In hold'em should you call an all in with the nut flush?

If its the final round of betting and you have the nut flush (including both hole cards) and someone goes all in when there is a possibility of a full house (a pair on the table) should you call?

Which is the best online site to buy NIKE SBs from?

I've looked everywhere for SBs in NYC and couldn't really find them anywhere (and this place is supposed to have like everything)..I know Supreme and Flight Club would have them but probably for a very high price and I bet they don't carry the ones I want...I know about ccs and skatewarehouse but I need more options, so if you know about any good and legit sites let me know

So this super hot guy is planning on kissin me. Help?!?

So I've only kissed 2 guys, both the guys were just pecks.. I don't know if I'm a good kisser or not, and I dont know how to tell if I am? But this guy that is planning on kissin me has girls drooling on him all the time.. I don't know what to do?

Would you rather date a really thin girl or a girl who's healthy looking and has muscle tone?

I'm not like a body-builder kinda girl. I'm athletic and I'm not a super thin girl. I don't really have thick thighs. shapely thighs, petite on top with no muffin top, no love handles, smooth curves, nice muscle tone, not toooo thin legs but not at all fat. Everyone describes me as "just fine." Meaning I'm not a supermodel but I'm not at all fat. Do I really have to look like a supermodel to get male attention?? I exercise and eat healthy and God gave me what he gave me. I feel insecure from all I see on TV and how guys drool over size zero celebrities. I'm not overweight, so don't answer this question calling me fat. I'm just healthy looking and active. Do I need to be super thin to get a guy's attention? Or can you settle for healthy and what I naturally look like??

Is today's conservative, yesterday's liberal?

If we go way back we would see the first Liberals scratching their pits and hooting over grubs, what of it?

What is my best bet for recording game play on the 360?

I have my Xbox 360 hooked up to my 1080p HDTV via HDMI. I want to record game play in the best quality possible but I can't spend much more then $20. Could I hook up an HDMI or VGA cable from my tv to my computer and use video capture software, or would it just show the computer screen on my tv?Any help would be appreciated!

Why do Republicans Oppose cutting $2 Billion in Big Oil tax subsidies despite their 50-130 Billion in profits?

Let's do that to the oil companies. But let's also do it to every other business that gets welfare.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Is my cat having seizures?

I think he is, but don't note me on that, you should take him to the vet just to be on the safe side and if it is seizures he is having, they have to give him medication and treatments so nothing bad happens to him again. and the reason why he is licking his paws like that is because he feels embarrassed. Hope that helped! good luck!:)

Should the military change itself to make women more comfortable?

No, there shouldnt have to be accomadations. she joined the military knowing what it was. making special accomadations for woman is not equality on the womens part. when u work with a bunch of men u have to deal with their behaviors that come with it. men cant stop being men just because a woman is around.

Do standard American bulldogs drool?

I was wondering if the "standard" American bulldog drools alot. If so how much does the other version drool the "bully" type

How is the elimination of tax breaks a tax increase?

The Oil and Gas industry are enjoying records profits and have said they no longer need the billions of dollars in tax breaks and subsidies they receive every year and conservatives are against tax increases. Conservatives want to stop the federal funds received by NPR. Therefore a tax increase for NPR is okay.

What's wrong with my beagle?!?

i have a 3 year old beagle and she is completely crate trained.whenever she needs to go outside to do her business, she rings the bell attached to the doorknob but today she didn't. All of a sudden she peed on her bed then ran away scared and peed next to our family room couch. i pushed her outside but she immediately peed on the concrete when she got out. Then she started walking down the steps but she was shivering and the way she stepped was like a robot. at the bottom of the stairs she sat down and she was shaking all over,drooling, and her eyes became unfocused. I tried to get her to stand up and go to the grass but once she stood up she started swaying and it looked like her thighs were flexing and unflexing really fast. she finally got to the grass and she lied down and drooled uncontrollably. 5 minutes later she got up really slow and started walking around like nothing happened!! She seems fine now but she acts nervous around me. This has happened to her before after she went jogging but she wasn't shaking or peeing uncontrollably. Did she have a seizure or something? what should i do?

Where can I get Dancing with the Stars Toxic music?

I don't remember the season but Mark and Maksim's brother had like a battle and they played toxic with the violin and guitar. I reeeeeally want the audio sooooo badly but I can't seem to find it on itunes!!! :/ any suggestions where I can get the song? Here is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about: Pleeease help I have the bets idea to mix it with something and maybe choreograph something to itt!!! :(

What breed of dog is best suited for me?

i reccomend a german sheperd. If you brush it daily there it wont shed. Germansheperds come in any size (small,medium Large,Rarley Large.

Do you think a novel about corporate armies declaring war on the US, with corporate radio support, would work?

Xe (Blackwater) with Haliburton providing support, against the US Marines. While bullets are flying, the Marines would be supported by NPR, and Public TV, while Xe would receive propaganda from the corporate news. (ABC, NBC, Fox, CNN, CBS, all the rest of the radio, etc)

Is nursing home death part of capitalism?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why is FOX NEWS Sean Hannity always Rambling about Reverend wright.. Barack Obama NPR..Then back to Rev Wright?

His entire show, every show for the last 4 years.. 4 Long years. He sits there rambling nonsense about Reverend Wright?? What's going on with him and Reverend Wright? Do you think when he walks off his set and goes home he walks around rambling about Reverend wright? Why doesn't he talk about anything else? He always goes to a new topic like... Lets say the budget.. He will some how Bring Reverend wright into the conversation and Mix Wright with Obama's budget? All night long Hannity talks about Reverend wright? Why not give it a rest man?

Dream interpretation of broken falling out teeth ?

I have those kind of dreams a lot. I've heard that it signifies some transition you are going through in life. That is causing you anxiety.

Ok before you ask i'm not crazy read the description?

ok i'm 16 and when i was younger i used to have dreams all the time you know cars, boats, fishing blah blah u know. now i barely have dreams , but when i do weird stuff happens. it seems like a see like little movie clips in my dreams like something that lasts 5 seconds, and the next day it'll happen exactley the way i saw it in my dream. but heres the catch i dont remember the dream until that thing is happening the next day and then i'll be like holy crap i just dreamed that and sometimes it'll be stuff nothing or something big. i bet youre thinking i'm crazy right now , but i swear i'm not. also my parents say i mutter weird things and talk in my sleep but i dont remember dreaming or having nightmares giving me to talk about anything?!?!?! i am usually not stressed out or anything either. here's another weird story , my parents had a little rental house and i was like 8 or something and my mom walked in the room and i was staring at the ceiling apparently. she asked what i was looking at and apparently i said "grandpas in the attic" grandpa was dead.......i have no memory of this event either.......also during the time my sister got extremely ill with a nasty thing in her throat and my dad didnt have a good feeling about the place so apparently we moved out a week later. my sister then got better and everything was normal again. i was wondering anyone know what the heck is up with me?

Do you think Juan Williams hurt his cause by playing the race card against NPR?

As wrong as they were to censor him for speaking his mind, they fired him for not being PC, not for his race. If he were white, they would have fired him for the same statements. It was proof they're leftist and it was wrong, but it wasn't particularly racist.

Will The President be rolling in the floor laughing when he opens his mail this morning?

The gop house members sent a letter wanting President Obama to ask The American people to forget the past and forget that they voted for Paul Ryan's 2012 budget that guts medicare. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do all adults generalize all teenagers as being rude, ignorant, technology obessed people?

Articles like this : a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a seriously make me think that America and the teens/parents of teens in it are going right down the toilet. Why do adults think that teens cannot be intellectual, smart decision-making, savvy people sometimes? It honestly bothers me.

Math Probability Can you tell me what's the sample space for 2 coins and 2 die?

Is it 144? But I do not know how to do it step by step. Does it have to do something with the ! factorial or the nPr or nCr? Can you explain the process? Thanks.

Boyfriend kissed a guy in highschool for 20 bucks gay?

He seems totally straight to me. he loves taking my clothes off always has a b0ner for me... Also all these dudes in the military bet him 100 bucks to put icy hot on his penis and he did it.

I bet you can't guess... (BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!!!)?

Is my dog in labor??????

She is pregnant about 60 days into her pregnancy. She has been panting since about 9:00 this morning and its now almost 3pm. She doesn't seem to terribly uncomfortable but she doesnt want to lay down. Shes panting with her mouth open and its causing her to drool a little bit. We made her a box but she doesnt seem to want to stay in it. Does this sound like shes in labor? If so how long until she starts delievering??

Why are men so perverted?

Oh please. Don't pretend that women aren't just as perverted as men, but they've been trained to hide it ;)

I don't watch Fox News, but why do so many liberals complain about it?

It's really not much different from NPR (which receives some government money), MSNBC, CNN or any cable news. Fox has a conservative bias, but all the others have biases too. And if your only excuse is the "Fair and Balanced" slogan, that's a very weak argument.

Guy drama pleeeeeaae help!!?

so I was in a relasnhiop with this guy named drake, and his friends were so nice and cool abbot but anlittle to much!! so drake little brother told me that him n his friends dont like me and it's just a bet he bet is drake will go out with me 4 more the 2 weeks n then he'll dump me.. god I'm so mad!! his friend n him r so cute! but idk what to do! I ignore them but they keep texting me n talking to me!!! plz help I'll answer yours!!!!

Pot heads and Libertarians here you go. Barney Frank and Ron Paul to introduce bill to decriminalize Pot.....?

About ******* time. The only criticism I can think of is that regulating and taxing it would create a black market, but it would be a smaller black market than the one we have now. It's a huge step in the right direction, to be sure.

How to rember all of "look at me now" in 8 days?

i made a bet with my friend that i could memorize all of look at me now( by chris brown fet busta rhymes and wezzy) in 8 days well im on day 1 and have memorized half of wezzys part and half of chris browns part but busta rhymes part is HARD sooooo any suggestions

Please need npr help for test!?

the question is how many 6 different permutations can you make with the word voodoo and please show me how to do that because im confused and its with npr i think

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My 4 week old foster puppy started on wet puppy food&shots 2 days ago.What's wrong?

Today has fever-no other symptoms. He is eating and his poo seems normal. He doesn't really want to play. He is laying on the air vent. No drool or eye goop. I'm not sure what he was eating before we got him since we got him the day he got dropped off at the shelter. I am feeding him the puppy wet food the shelter told me to feed him. What's wrong? Should I take him to emergency vet or wait until tomorrow and see if he needs to go to my regular vet.

WIZARD101 people who STILL play please click on this and read the description!?

alright i have been wondering this... a long time ago (so i have been told) the highest level is 50, i have been wondering since they added new things to the game is it still 50? and also please list if there are any other worlds besides: wizard city, krokatopia, marlybone, mushu, dragonsphyre (sorry i dont know how to spell it), and celestia. please list any other worlds that you can go to later other than those worlds...btw i play this game becuase my brother plays this and bet me that i couldnt beat it for $150 and he is level 7, he has played for 2 monthes now WITH membership and thats as far as hes gotten me, so far i am level 49 and i have only played for about 2 weeks, yes i play this nonstop because i had surgery and i have to stay in bed for a month but anyway i just thought you would find that funny.. but please tell me the highest level and any other world... hopefully i just have to get to grandmaster for that $150!!! haha THANKS SO MUCH!!!! and sorry for writing so much! :)

I need help finding a punk rock song !?

I dont know the name of the song but the music video starts off like this : the band barges in the school and they look at the girl and then they go in the class room and they are all drooling over how hot the teacher is and then they go to lunch and one of the band members faints . Please help find the song .

Does my female friend want to experiment with me?

I was at a sleep-over with a bunch of my friends, and we were all outside in separate tents. I was with 2 friends, and we all have a perverted kind of humor lol. we were just acting stupidly as usual, and some of our other friends come to our tent and hump and dance outside it so we can see the shadows xD we go outside and do it too, and in joke, she grabs me and air-humps lol but that's not too out of the scope of jokes cause we're all close. Anyway, we go back to the tent and she says quietly "Oh wow ... Orgy Time~ ha ha lets have an orgy guys" still in joke. So looks over to me a few minutes later like "You know what I am though." (Which I know means she's Bi cause she's told me before.) Lol she's said stuff like this at other times to me, as has my other friend in the tent who likes to use me as a pillow (she wrapped her legs around mine when we were laying down xD but she told me she doesn't know what her sexuality is, and with her i certainly bet that if i approached her, she'd experiment, not that i wish to lol.) and we all talk and laugh about pervy things all the time, but especially with those two friends, we really get into it. Also, i have several gay, lesbian, and mostly bi friends so i feel most my age are curious (14). I really don't think i'd ever actually do anything with her, but its not like i haven't thought about it (and not very sexual things). So do you think she's curious? It's always awkward with her alone cause she's quiet, but with someone else there of course there's more to say and laugh about, so i guess that's why she says it when we're in groups of like 3. Thanks :D

Difference in nPr and nCr?

Explain in your own words the difference between what nPr counts and what nCr counts. Explain, without calculation, which is larger : 100P45 or 100C45 (give a reason for your answer).

Will California learn their lesson that raising taxes will draw businesses away from the State?

Amazon just ended its deal with 25,000 Californian companies. So long delivery drivers, order takers, packers, school book prices, employers, and the thousands of jobs. When will they learn that raising taxes isn't good. Explains why I get about 5% of Misc tax added on sales taxes on hotel bills each time I go on business to San Jose, I bet it will be 10% soon to cover for this mistake.

Why girls find denzel washington attractive?

im a girl and honestly i dont see the hype about him, sure hes a great actor and he has a good background but physically hes just plain average looking to me. he has no unique features,he looks like any black guy to be honest. .. i dont see how girls drool over him

Will The President be rolling in the floor laughing when he opens his mail this morning?

The gop house members sent a letter wanting President Obama to ask The American people to forget the past and forget that they voted for Paul Ryan's 2012 budget that guts medicare. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which of these men would make a better husband?

I asked earlier but please answer if you haven't already. I'm dating two men right now but only want to see one long term of course. Both in their 30s. They're both very nice and hard working, in the same profession. One is into sports and his xbox and all that kind of thing. He drinks beer and likes the outdoors and fishing. He doesn't really read but at work and likes AC/DC and bands like that. He wears t-shirts and jeans except at work of course. He went to the baseball game today and admitted on the phone they went to Hooters first. The other, who I've known only a little longer, is more serious and he reads a lot and talks about politics and is dedicated to certain causes. He listens to NPR mostly and wants to become influential in the world and change it. He dresses well and has a lot more skin and hair products than I do, which blew me away when I first found out. I'm not going to make a decision by what's on here of course. But I'm wondering which kind of man makes a better husband? Opinions?

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all. What should I do? :(

Anyone familiar with software?

I am asking about the free version. Does anyone know of a short tutorial on how to track bets for a pool with this software? Is there a limit to how many "accounts" you can track? Thanks

Am I the only one who thinks there aren't any really good singers anymore.?

Okay so i was watching the BET awards today and I noticed something... No one can really truly sing? you remember those singers back in the day that gave you goose bumps because they sung so good? singers like Luther van-dross, R Kelly, Whitney Houston, Sisqo , jodeci and so on? There none of those nowadays the only ones I can think of are Jennifer Hudson and Alisha Keys and beyonce other than that they all sound mediocre Chris Brown is a great dancer but his singing is just OKAY trey songs singing is just OKAY and when there performing they don't even sound like there songs. I remember when xscape or swv used to perform and they sound better than there single live, don't even let mention chrstina! but am i the only one who feels this way

Do you think this New York clerk will get fired for refusing to sign marriage licenses for gay couples?

I wouldn't say its like someone whose racist. what if gay marriage was against this person's religion? Then I think she has the right to refuse to sign it. It's just like doctors who say they will not perform an abortion or give the day after pill...they have that right. You can get someone else to sign it.

I need some bzp, look I carnt handle the?

the legal ones , I'm not a bad person , I've been an addict for 26 years , I've only ever been without for 2 years, and it was the worst 2 years of my life , I have been taking bzp for the last 4-5 years but the company that I buy them off also make 'legal highs' , I think the greed for money is more important to them than the people who buy there stuf and spend **** loads of money that goes in to there pocket . it sucks , I like bzp !! , hell that doesn't make me a bad person just a fool , I'm on my own with this , they don't care they just want to take my money and that's it , what am I Going to do??? , I would not know where to start , buying street drugs and probully get riped of anyway !! , evere cent I spend on my habit is honest money that I earn !!, iWork hard for it , I never borrow or steal in order to pay for the stuf , now I carnt get bzp , god I've taken some pill called giggle , now I'm thinking I have no idea what I've taken , I hate that !!! and I bet u that the people who sell them don't know aswell !! , anyone know where I can get bzp ! I'm in nz ! and beware of those legal pills ,'danger'

Best Game Series Ever.....???

I bet alot of you are thinking something along the lines of Halo , or Call of duty or something like that, but i`d like to ask you ... Have you played every single.... and i mean every single Metal Gear Solid game -> IN - ORDER<- from the msx to the ps3 ??? Think about Solid Snake .... he wasnt even going to be a main character ....oO.... and Now he`s "died" a legend......its a shame Hideo Kojama ( hope i spelled that right :/ ) doesnt want to carry on the Solid Snake series, i think he could pull Snake back into the putting it in the storyline that the snake in MGS4 wasn`t Solid Snake, or , and this is a good one ..... ---> Remember the intro to Metal Gear Solid on the ps1 ?? when snake was being examined and injected ?? lets say they took a sample of his D.N.A and cloned the clone of a clone......wouldnt be hard to do if youve already done it how many times ? oO ? and he could also throw another brother or two into the story line.... it would be fcuking cool --> Guess who`s back, de de de du du , dum dum dum Snaaaaaaaaaaaake !!!

Am i pregnant? only serious answers please. i will see a doctor?

i should get my period this weekend. i have had heartburn everynight for a week which is not normal for me. because of the heartburn i have had an upset stomach 24/7 and i have had nuasea. i have been constipated but when i poop it is diahhrea and it is bright green.(which is common in pregnancy) also i have been drooling everynight for 3 nights which i do not do, i am not sick or anything so i believe the drooling is from pregancy (pregnant women produce more saliva) lately i have been having to pee every 2 hours and cant hold it. it is not accompined with pain or burning or anything. i have been very moody i go from very happy and hyper to very mad or upset. i have had a dull pain around my hips. and i have had bad gas. when i get up from laying down i get very dizzy.

What are some alternatives to real player so I can download clips from the internet?

Real player allows you to download videos from youtube and other websites, but I am looking to download content from the this american life website and from NPR. What are some other programs that would allow me to do so in addition to downloading youtube videos and transfer them to my itunes.

Does Global warming effect the hail size ?

Ok so me and my uncle have this bet about the hail.If you are a Chicago-n you had so see the hail storm that passed on today or 6-30-11.Now I am 12 and I have never in my whole entire life seen in person or in Chicago a storm with that big of hail ok. My uncle is 17 and thinks he is a genius who knows it all.Well back to the question. As I said I have never in my whole entire life seen hail like that nether has my 29 year old Ma or my 51 year old Grandma.My uncle believes that it is nothing and it is just a hot summer hail storm.I believe it IS a hot summer hail storm but I also think that this hail was so big because of global warming.Was that why TOO???????????????? I DON'T want to lose this bet please help!!! Thank you !!! :)

Our home is in foreclosure. Do we have right of first refusal when it is sold?

I heard that after the bank forecloses on our home and resells it, that we may have right of first refusal? My husband heard something to this effect on NPR last week. Is there any truth to this or was he dreaming?

Are you angry at Tom McMaster?

I'd never even heard of it until I read the article today. But he isn't the first person ever to use the internet in order to be something he isn't. That's the disadvantage of today's technology. It makes it a lot easier for people to hide behind false identities.

Got braces and expanders all in one day, now I have some questions!?

Tha answer to all questions is it will take time to get used to it....give it at least 2/3 weeks.....

What is your reaction to the Pew Poll showing most Americans favor a path to citizenship for illegal aliens?

One # I wouldn't trust any poll that NPR put out.And coming from someone that knows Texas A&M I got to tell you She and maybe 1/2 dozen other people there feel this way.The College is by far very Conservative .Let Obama come here I bet he doesn't stay in a hotel on the border without having extra security.Or I would like for him to walk down the street here where I live after dark in the area where mostly illegals live.He wouldn't do it but he expects us to live with it.What a bunch of Bull crap.He and all other politicians know these people are a danger and an economic problem for us but neither he or the the rest of them have the B@lls to do anything about it.I say Obama bring it on and we here in Texas will show you what its really like regarding illegals.So he goes to El Paso a sanctuary city, Im sure they will be on their best behavior.No he needs to come to central Texas and talk to people that have been effected by illegals being here such as myself who's family had to sell their land in West Texas because if the danger of illegals crossing there.

How can female priests exist without the Vatican's approval?

Who gives a flyin' monkey butt what the Vatican "approves" of? They aren't God. They approve of actively gay priests, and praying rosary chants to Mary, Yeah, so I couldn't care less about them or their unbiblical "approvals." A group of men in shiny costumes playing church, nothing more. Kneel and kiss the pope's shiny gold ring for a blessing. RIIIIIGGHHHTT.

2month old teething?!?

She is exclusively breastfed. She is constantly drooling, chewing on her hands, and sucks vigorously on her paci. She eats fine. Is she teething already?!

2002 Isuzu NPR pipe box truck?????

I have a 2002 Isuzu. It has a problem with the headlight and signal light. I have already changed the switch for the headlight but it still does not work. The weird part is that the wires have power going to the headlight but there's no light coming out? I checked all the fuses in the front and they all seemed okay. Any suggestions on what can cause this problem? Can you please help me find a website or any other links where I can order the part I need to fix this problem or any store that can have this part. The light is not burned out. The truck info is : 2002 Isuzu NPR pipe box truck EFI. Hope that helps. Best answer gets five stars. Thank you.

When Wiener himself WON'T deny the lewd picture is him,why are so many Dems on here trying cover for him ?

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WOW.. PLZ HELP!!!!! i dont know what to do... :'(?

I am a 16 year old girl and i used to babysit for a guy and a girl i couldnt one day so he fired me i guess and then he messaged me on facebook and was saying **** you **** off go die in h3ll,, i called him bc he kept saying more stuff to me then he told me i ride the mental bus with a helmet and i drool all over and all that,, i got so upset i was bawling and i had thoughts running threw my head on what i wanted to do, would i be able to turn him in? if i did what would i turn him in for and could he get introuble for it? because it makes me so upset because he is like 32 and saying this to me a 16 year old! when i didnt do anything to him!! will someone please help me bc im lost and afraid of whats gonna happen

I found my neighbors cat in our front yard its breathing was labored and it had blood in its mouth?

we think it was attacked by a coyote. Does the blood in the mouth, drool, mean it might have suffered internal damage? It had a bite on top of its head, that wasn't bleeding very bad. One side of its face was soaked with saliva when I first found it. I sat with it to make sure the coyote didn't come back and its breathing returned to normal. I put it in the neighbors garage until they get home in the morning. The cat was able to walk a little, and its breathing slowed back down, I'm wondering if the coyote was scared off in time and if the cat will have a chance of recovery if its okay until its owner returns. What should my neighbor do next if she comes home and the cat is okay?

Michael Vick gets an award from Subway?

Anne, you do realize that this is old, right? He did go to prison and payed for his crimes, he is now working and making a living...if BET wants to honor him and Subway wants to give him free sandwiches, let them. We have so many more serious issues to worry you know, the economy, people losing their homes, kids going hungry, not being able to afford a Dr...much more important that what Mr Vick did a few years a go...and I dont eat Subway, I prefer Quizno's.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dog transferring worms?

Once my dad told me you can't let a dog lick you in the face as if they have worms there is a possibility you go blind. My puppy is constantly picking up things he shouldn't and I am taking them from his mouth when they are covered in his drool. He gets de wormed every 3-4 months. Normally I wash my hands before eating etc but this time I completely forgot as I was crying lots today so I ate food even though I probably had dog slobber all over my hands. When he goes to the toilet I never see anything. Is it ok then? But he keeps on alternating between constipation and diarrhoea (one time I saw blood as well) is this because he is a puppy so his stomach is adapting?

10 points for best answer.what does she mean........?

If she's seen you with a lot of different partners, she probably expects that you are... well like many of us young fellows... a bit flighty and turned on by the novelty of a new partner. She may be incorrect in these assumptions, but she is probably projecting that you may not be the most loyal, and lifelong partner.

HELP With london underground+Places to visit?

Im going to see my girlfriend on new year for the first time, However i have NO idea how to get around the london underground. Ive been once before but luckily i was with my friend when we went to a concert and i couldnt work it out. Can anybody please explain to me how it works because i look at the map and just drool. Also, can anybody recommend any good places to visit or dine out in london or good spots to watch the fireworks without being crammed into a crowd? Romanticcccc ;D THANKS :)

Why do i drool at night everyday when i sleep even though i keep my mouth closed and breathe through my nose?

its been happening ever since i was little and still continuing. i`m 16 years old female. i tend to drool when i go to sleep. how come??

Uh oh Dems! Obama is losing support of liberal bloggers...says...NPR!?

NPR is trying to do damage control. They're a nervous lot these days and they're not even trying to hide it any more.

I hate to keep on touching on the subject of CM Punk but...?

why is everyone saying he shoot was" Obviously fake because he didn't mention going to TNA". Now I believe it was a worked shoot as much as the next guy but just because he said he want going to TNA doesn't mean anything. He worked in TNA before, TNA treated him like trash so he doesn't want to work there again. The reason he didn't mention TNA was for that reason, not because WWE didn't want mention of TNA. I guarantee you WWE has no problem with mentioning TNA(and they don't for an obvious reason. They know they are doing better so why should they worry about a rival business.) So why is it that everyone thinks that just because CM Punk didnt mention TNA, its all of a sudden because its scripted? I mean, hell, I bet you my entire home that TNA has just as much backstage politics, if not more, than WWE has. Anyway, sorry for coming off like I hate TNA. I used to like it back in probably 2008-2009 when there was no Hogan or Bischoff, but thats a story for another day. Thanks if you read the entire question and Id like legit responses please, none of that typing in all caps and calling me an idiot or mark or whatever crap


please help me fix this paragraph withbetter detail "A baby is as joyful as your favorite song .A baby makes all kinds of sounds .this may sound silly but there almost as a parrot they could really mock you with every thing you may say. A baby may try to tell you something though you may not understand it and while there eating the sounds of those bubbles are hysterical a baby could really do those bubbles all day .but what a baby could really do much more than bubbles and drool is of course cry . A baby could cry the sound wheen there just in pain or uncomfortable its not adorable at all it quite painfull to hear actually and not able to figure out why there crying its really just devastating tomy ears poor baby that’s all that runs through my mind.further more but the best sound that a baby makes it when there laughing of joy now that’s a song to my ears . Either there being tickled or watching something that makes them laugh its really so much joy its as sweet as vanilla Sunday it truly is the best joy that could bring to my ears my mind and my heart." thank you

Ever think of hot girls when they become old?

You sound jealous. You are probably half bitter you could not date one of those hot girls. Not all hot girls are stuck-up or age badly. Some of those stuck-up hot girls become more humble, you are right because they lost their most prized possession.

Is it OK to 'tease' another girl (sexually) if she's attracted to me?

She's in love with ur bootay!;) It seems so cruel to tease her, but come on, she's gettin some when you do, right? Like she finally got to see ur bootay when u were drunk! She mustve LOVED that. I'd say start a relationship with her sometime, u seem somewhat attracted to her too!

How come Mexicans want to be white so badly?

I'm a be@ner and I notice that a lot of Mexican men date white women or light skinned Mexican women, my sister's boyfriend keeps talking about how he wants his kids to have colored eyes and have light skin, my brother is always dating white looking latinas and I've noticed this a lot about other Mexican men. What happened to Mexican pride? I bet most Mexicans would jump at the opportunity to be white?

Friend who won't ever return romantic feelings?

I gotta say I’ve been in love with a guy friend for nearly 2 years. Maybe not in love, but crazy over him. I’ve accepted the fact that he probably won’t ever return those feelings back. I don’t think that I measure up *physically* to what he is looking for. And besides, we have already talked about us dating and I know it’s pretty much a dead end. Nonetheless, for most of the 2 years I’ve known him, we’ve been pretty good friends, talking nearly every night online or through text and whatnot. We have very candid conversations that go on for hours about nearly any topic. So I’ve obviously gotten to know him a bit. And I’ve gotten to know some of his flaws – like him being self-centered, self-important, shallow, vain, etc. I’ve expressed to him my thoughts about that on a couple of occasions, and he takes great offense in it and insists that he isn’t like that. He even stopped talking to me for a month. I confronted him about that, and he says that he doesn’t want to be friends with someone who thinks some “false things” about him. Well, I’m not going to apologize to him for what I think. But little does he know that the reason I’m so harsh to him (in my head and sometimes through our conversations) is because I’m trying to make myself believe that he isn’t worthy because I know I’ll never have him. He is in love with some beautiful chick named Laura. I know I can’t compare, despite me not being ugly or fat per se …. But I simply don’t stack up to this girl, she is drop dead gorgeous. He has gotten to know me and seen what I’m about, and it still has not had an effect on him (as in, “Hey this girl is pretty cool and she’s not bad-looking”). Yet he barely knows this girl but he drools over her because of how hot she is. I’ve known that he won’t ever like me like I like him, so my heart has put up some barriers, and have become overly critical of him. Truth is, he’s a decent guy but based on what he said to me a couple nights ago, he thinks that I think of him as this bad person or something. I don’t really think of him like that, and while I DO really think that he is vain, I’m OVERLY harsh on him because of my resentment of him not returning those feelings to me. Kind of like, if you can’t have ‘em then they *must* suck type of thing. Flawed thinking, I know, but it’s a defense mechanism. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m considering just leaving things as they are (us not talking anymore), let him continue to think what he wants, and just move on with my life, with him being none the wiser of my underlying present feelings. Maybe I could truly get over him this way, instead of going a couple of months with the feelings surpressed and then realizing that I wasn’t really over it after all. What should I do? :(

I really really hate my baby?

Okay so i started foolin around with this girl about a year ago, it was nothing serious i just wanted to get deep inside that thing, now shes all up on me with a baby or whatever, i cant afford a pregnancy test but she keeps sayin it was mine, it probably is... this baby is ugly, the girl is alright lookin but i look really good i just dont know how my baby could be so ugly, everytime i hold it i get this urge to give it back to her or make it cry by pretending to be a dinosaur, sometimes when im alone with the baby i make sure to watch shows i think the baby will hate just to get under its skin but the baby doesnt cry its just happy, so i try to cuddle it and make it go to sleep but all it does is drool on my face and smile at me, when it smiles at me i get scared it looks like it wants to eat my face what do i do? is there anyway to tell if a baby is yours by comparing its voice to mine on helium or something? i cant afford a pregnancy test!

My Retarded Nephew Is Coming To Visit. How Can I Prepare?

It sounds like a challenging situation. However, applying Luke 10:27, " love your neighbor as yourself ", means kindness goes a long way. If we treat others with love and kindness, that is what will come back to us. You can't go wrong when you apply bible counsel.

Since when is owning 7% of a public companies stock illegal to liberals?

since they became obsessed with FOX news, and it is perfectly legal and 7% stockholders in any large corp have little or no influence

Should I continue seeing this guy?

Oh god. He sounds like a peice of poop that you scrape up in the dog park. Don't even be his friend!!

Friendly bet with my wife over old TV ahow?

I have a friendly bet with my wife. I know this probably sounds stupid, but she insists on that old TV show I dream of Jeannie, that Jeanie& Mjr Nelson NEVER got married. I say there was an epsiode somewhere in the last season, whee they did tie the knot. Who is right on this one?

Does an animal clinic cost more than an animal hospital?

In my area, hospital and clinic are used interchangeably. Emergency hospital/clinics definitely cost more so make sure it's not that sort of facility if cost is a big concern. I would guess you'll be paying for an exam and bloodwork. These costs vary a lot by area but in my area, an exam runs around $40-45 and bloodwork runs around $90 for a full work up for a senior kitty. Drooling and weight loss can be different things. Two thoughts are painful mouth and kidney disease but I'm sure there are others.

Getting more Ram for my Compaq latptop?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow" and run their system scanner it will tell you what kind of ram is compatible with your system. You can even buy from them if you want.

My baby drools SO much and its causing..?

her to get alot of rashed underneath her chin, i always change her bib, its gotten so bad i have to change it every 20 mins! why is she drooling so bad, could she be getting a tooth? what can i do to help her rash?

What's wrong with my car?

I drive a 2005 dodge stratus (sxt?) and just got it from my sister and brother in law just over a week ago. They took real good care of the car and just finished paying off the car in April. They had it fully checked in May before handing it over to me. The mechanic said that the car was good to go and gave it an oil change. The car has over 99000 miles on it. I was driving it home and hadn't noticed any problems with it. All of a sudden, while exiting of the ramp to go home, the car just came to a complete stop! The check engine light came on along with the oil light. I tried turning off the car and restarting it to no avail. I unfortunately had to have the car towed. My brother said it could have been one of three things wrong with the car: alternator, ignition coil or starter. Those things didn't sound too bad and the cost of fixing either three was in my budget. But this morning, I got a devastating call from the shop. The timing belt was worn and overdue for a change and had caused damaged to my pistons. Now with my pistons shot, my engine was shot. The mechanic then said my best bet was to get a new engine or at least a used engine to get my car running again. That's way out of my budget (he quoted me at $2000) and already replaced my timing belt and water pump (I think) without any consent. Is there something else that could have gone wrong? I'm a girl and I feel like I might be getting screwed just because I have no idea what the heck went wrong. PLEASE HELP!!!

How regular is your post partum period?

I had a baby 7 1/2 months ago, and even though I breastfeed, I got my period in February, and have continued to get it each month, pretty regularly, usually about every 30 days. Now I haven't gotten it for 36 days. I took a pregnancy test that came out negative, and I don't feel pregnant. Before I was ever pregnant with my first, I could bet money on the day I would get it, because it was so regular. What's going on with my body??

Whats wrong with my dog? :(?

I Have a Boxer puppy ,male the problem with him is that he won't eat. All he does is drink water when he throws up its water plus this white foamy substance. Plus he is drooling a lot and well I don't have money to take him to the vet and I'm extremely worried. I've been hand feeding him to keep him from getting super weak and I've also have given him baby pediatric electrolyte to keep him hidrated. Also some of his stool samples are basically just water no blood whatsoever. But please help I would extremely appreciate it and to those who give really supportive comments I thank you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What was the first song beyonce sang at the 2011 bet awards?

because i know she sanf one called end of time and another one i think called best you never had..but if you look at the performance she didnt give the name of the 1st song,,,

I Would like to take a trip to The Grand Canyon.?

Id like to take a trip to the Grand Canyon sometime this summer. I'm not sure that will allow me enough time to plan the trip. Ive looked into it a lil and it seems the North Rim may be my best bet. It would be just my boyfriend and I. (we do not have any children) I want to camp beneath the stars and maybe do some floating but I do NOT want to get lost or travel too deep into uncharted territory! =) Just want to enjoy a beautiful piece of America. I need suggestions and references from people who have done similar trips to help my planning along. Thank you.

What Do The United States Tax-Payers get out of The ( War ) on Drugs, whats the benefit of jailing so many?

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Math A 30:Permuations and Combinatiosn HELP I AM BEGGING U! answer by today!?

Gambling isn't just blind good luck, you'll need a system that takes advantage of the percentages, here is some advice you'll never win big if you do not understand what you are doing. Look at this video clip and discover how to win big!!.

Tendonitis pain management? Basic pain management?

i have the same as u but i'm too scared to have the injection. i manage my symptoms with cocodamol tablet, ibroprofen gel +physio exercises, yes the 1st session bloody hurt. i also use massage (u have to massage the area until it stops hurting) none of this totally gets rid of the pain but it helps

Can u see this happening on victorious?

I kinda could, but Nick shows are known for not having their shows so umm.. "serious". In my mind i dont think Jade would throw a banana peel on the ground.

I think my boyfriend's been cheating...?

So before I start I have to tell you a little background, he and I live together. My boyfriend is big into card games and stuff. I don't really understand most the games he and his friends play. Sometimes they bet for money. Anyway there was this tournament thing coming up and he kept leaving to "practice" for it. I would often see another woman dropping him off and when I mention her he pretends I don't know what he's talking about, which I thought was really rude because he never invites her in or anything and I think it's a pretty long drive. So one day the woman comes and picks him up and I decide to follow them, I get on my bike (we can't afford a car okay) and try to keep up. If you've ever tried to follow a car on a bike you know it's no easy feat. I finally caught up with them, they were stopped at the beach. I saw a couple making out but it was a distance so it might not have been them, the woman's car was parked there though. By the time I caught up the couple was gone so I don't know who that was. The woman's car pulled away. I continued to the friend's house (where my boyfriend said he's been practicing for the tournament) and saw her car there. I went around and peeked in windows until I got to one with a good view. I looked in and there were four of them there playing some silly game acting all serious as usual (my boyfriend, the woman, the friend who's house they were at, and his roommate). I saw my boyfriend with his arm around the woman, and later I think I saw her kiss him, but my boyfriend said later, when I asked him about it, that it was just a trick of the light. Anyway, as I watched my boyfriend kept winning, winning and winning every game! Then I realized the deck he was using is one of ours and it has been marked so he can tell what the cards are! I think he is going to cheat on the tournament, should I call him out?

Has NPR become a bastion of feminist media subversion?

Of course it's debatable but I've also stopped donating to NPR for many reasons, one being, I think it's become something of a feminist FOX RADIO NEWS station, leaning heavily towards feminist diatribe, one sidedness. Of course when criticizing feminism you have to prepare for the knee jerk reaction. Like intelligently criticizing Israel for its atrocities and occupation of Gaza gets you labeled anti-Semetic unless you're Jewish or Israeli, even if your argument is based on factual data and being that I'm American and we Americans send over 3 billion dollars a year to Israel and help fund their occupation, we have every reasonable right to criticize their actions. Criticizing feminism gets you automatically labeled a misogynist unless you're a woman. It's an effective tool of the cowardly to hide behind political correct smoke screens. A good example of NPR's bias was on full display yesterday during Terry Gross' Fresh Air. I normally have been a longtime fan of her show for it's mostly intelligent and informative content and yes, I know Terry Gross is a feminist but feminism has some validity to it, it's usually the extremists, the man haters, that take it beyond over board into idiotic nonsensical gibberish territory. But last night, she digressed into just another cookie cutter man hater. She took what would have otherwise been an interesting and unique topic about a woman who served in Iraq in a death unit that deals with the dead soldiers and turned it into another whinny feminist rant, gender issues plug. She reduced the conversation from one with true content into a standard, idiotic discussion on what's between everyones legs. Some women join the military expecting to serve their country, others join and seem to think reality needs to be altered to suit their weaknesses and sense of fairness. It was a one sided conversation without any feed back from the male soldiers either in her unit or whom she worked cooperatively with from other platoons. It was an abhorrent example of the kind of hack journalism right-wing media outlets puke into the public sector daily, just coming from the left gone mad cow diseased. This is just one example of NPR's feminist bias, I have noticed several other examples, some of which are listed here already. I find it extremely disappointing and I've gone from being a long time contributor to refusing to give NPR another dime in till they show actual balance in their content that represents us all. With the world in such a state that it is, I'm sure there's plenty of things to report on. Focusing on a extremely privileged group such as college educated white women or their blue collar, white female counter parts without discussing reality or the struggles of working class males and how society's changes have effected us and what we are doing to cope, speaks nothing to me. If NPR wants to narrow its focus into myopic white privileged feminist rants then it should call its self NFR, National Feminist Radio because Public denotes a certain, for the public quality that it's losing to a groups narrow agendas.

Liberals is NPR biased?

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Which Parrot Make a Good Pet For The Family?

Which Parrot Make a Good Pet For The Family? Like A Macaw, Amazon, African grey, Gahla Cockatoo or Cockatoo? We want one like NOT SMALL BIRDS LIKE COCKATIELS OR ANY SMALL BIRD WE HAVE ALOT OF THOSE ALREADY!!! Im asking about these Parrots these amazing Birds. We want One that talks, plays, friendly to everyone and could learn how to do tricks and more.. We have already experince with small to lil bet more big like Conures. Thank you!

Can you determine intelligence from the amount of staring and drooling that goes on with tradie men?

no you cannot. Some men who act like immature sex craved morons can be quite's just that sex is a hobby of theirs. And some really are stupid. But no, you can't tell from how they act...even if it does portray poor intelligence.

Do people know that "small" talk is a form of invasion of privacy?

Your use of the phrase 'small talk' is not correct here. The very definition of the phrase is that it's NOT intrusive. It's the small things in life that people don't care about sharing. Favorite movies, music, sports, hobbies and the weather can all be classified as small talk. Something as personal as 'Are you a virgin?' NOT small talk. And yes I do think those kinds of questions are rude and very uncomfortable. Most likely the person asking has some social issues.

Is NPR an example of a Racist Media?

How can a privileged white women who works at a segregated news outlet like NPR accuse Juan Williams of being a racist.

Did the new teabagging congress accomplish anything yet besides get in women's business and de-fund NPR?

right on in your analysis. Next up is union rights, then eliminating both medicare and social security, and finally, ethnic cleansing.

Is there a way I can open a dog rescue?

That is not a dog rescue. A dog rescue does not "rely" on donations and does not help for a "fee", a dog rescue is started by someone who IS the donater, they pay for toys, food, crates, etc. If you would really like to help i suggest you foster a dog at a real dog rescue, that means you go to a rescue and you care for a dog that they have up for adoption, it helps make space for new dogs to come in. Techanically it is not adopting you are just caring for the dog UNTIL it gets adopted.

Ben F. or J.P? Which bachelor will win over Ashley's heart?

Ben F. and J.P are the front runners in the season of The Bachelorette. I am betting on J.P but Ben F. is also a great guy.

Who do you think is hotter/better looking?

Between Lee Hong Ki and Jung Yong Hwa, [[google search?]] which one you think is better looking?[They are both Koren actors&singers]. This is just a bet between me & a friend. :)Thanksss.

Seizure or what?!?!?!?!!?

i just blacked out like fell asleep drooled and peed my self wtf??? seizure or something eles??? and start to twitch a little

I've been receiving mixed signals? Is he interested?

Well I like this boy and I've known him ever since the last day of school LAST YEAR. Sometimes I'll catch him staring at me, I look over at him and go "what?" and he's like "huh??" and then I say "You dont think I don't see you staring at me?" and then he blushes. I have his number but he NEVER replies to my texts!!! Hd only replies if it is something important. When we graduated a special class and all got tee shirts I said a few weeks later I said hey, everybody wear the tee shirts? And he was the only one that listened.! I can go on, but do you think he does? When ever he Yates at me he is like checking me out and practically looks like a dog with his big eyes and is drooling! Ill punch him every once in awhile, shove. But one time I was in line holding soda in the lunch Line and he knocked it out of my hands ad I was like "I didnt have any money to pay for that anyways." and then we both started laughing. And one time after lunch I was waiting with my friends for something and he puked me into the wall and I said "What the F-" I turn around there he is standing, smirk on his face and he runs away cuz I give him my evil eye. Would you say he likes me!!???

I really don't think that this is normal :(?

I have been seperated from my ex for almost two years... I have even fallen in love with a new guy who i have been with for a year :) the problem is i literally keep daydreaming and fantisizing about my ex. Out of the blue i would daydream me getting all dressed up looking gorgeous and talking to him.. Or i would fantasize about us being together and making love. I fantasize walking into a room full of him and his friends looking gorgeous and him drooling over me smh it is a bad habit. When i see him in person i get butterflies but i deny his request to get back together i even tell him no when he ask for my new phone number... But as soon as i go home i fantasize about him againi i get all dressed up look in the mirror and pretend i am talking to him.. It sounds so creepy but i promise i am normal lol i am so confused i just dont understand why i do this :( today i turned on music put on high heels walked up and down my hallway imagining he was there drooling over me with his friends.Why am i doing this?

Where can I get Dancing with the Stars Toxic music?

I don't remember the season but Mark and Maksim's brother had like a battle and they played toxic with the violin and guitar. I reeeeeally want the audio sooooo badly but I can't seem to find it on itunes!!! :/ any suggestions where I can get the song? Here is the video if you don't know what I'm talking about: Pleeease help I have the bets idea to mix it with something and maybe choreograph something to itt!!! :(

How to Hack Facebook account! Will award best answer?

My freind has given me the poops and he bet me i cant hack his fb account so please help!! I will award best answer

Problem with left side rib cage, anxiety?

Alright so i get panic attacks and have anxiety disorder so i could just be stressing like usual, but this feels too real. I started to notice that my lower left rib cage seems like its sticking out more than usual. I started to get pressure underneath the rib cage above the hip. Now i have this lower back pain in the same area and underneath left shoulder blade, which i started getting after doing alot of sweeping( im tall so bending over). Sometimes i also feel like my left testicle aches. Im confused because i have also bet having a lot of gas lately probably from the food im eating. I also get alot of headaches.

I have a child support related problem im the dad?

for over 3 years me and my ex have been in a off and on relationship untill her recently we decided to go our seperate ways... mainly because she wasnt mature enough for me she only caused me grief and problems me and her are both 19 so i left her but on our last sexual encounter she got pregenent well... of course i was destroyed... one because i cant stand her i hate her with a burning passion and two because was never mother material she is basicly a 13 year old in a 19 year old body... but anyways my son was born and he is now a year old and right now he has been in and out of the hospital sence he was born idk if its because he has some serious medical problems or if its because my stupid ex neglects him i was able to be there for his birth which i will say was the worst experience of my life not him being born but my exs mother making it the worst... but sence ik i wanted to do the right thing i wanted to be there for my son but my ex made it impossible...i was currently seeing a new girl before he was born and i basicly left her in the dust just so i could be there for my son which required me to somehow make things work with my ex.... it tore me up inside it did... but a week went by and it just wasnt gona work me and my ex constantly faught and i just couldnt do it i never wanted to leave my son but i just couldnt put my son threw constant fighting and that wasnt the type of enviorment i wanted him growing up in so i got back with my new gf that im with currently and happly :) but my ex made things impossible with me seeing and trying to help my son...... i wanted to see my son but every time i would go see my son i would be judged because i wasnt doing someting wrong... and the only thing she wanted to do was try and get in my pants and i wasnt gona do that anymore... i was happy with my new gf and i wasnt gona let her **** that up so i stopped going over to her house to see my son because of her ik that sounds bad but i didnt knw what else to do i wanted to keep seeing my son but i wasnt gona let her keep letting her try and have her way with me i told her that if she ever needed my help with anything to tell me and i would help in any way i could but sence i was with my new gf she didnt wana have nothing to do with me because she hatted my new gf with a passion because she blames her for why me and her never worked out she says she stole me away from her and all this bs so here we are today 6/30/11 me and my new gf are currently expecting :) yes ik im a baby machine but sence i wasnt there for my first son to have the hole experience of being a dad this is a new and exciting experience for me but my ex is making things difficult because she is putting child support on me which i think is bs... because i told her that if she ever needed help i would last chrismas i got my first son like 6 outfits worth of clothing and she rejected them all why idk i offered to give her money for my son if he ever needed anything and when she ever asked me for money it wasnt for him it was for stupid bs like for cigs or for her prom crap or gas and i told her no and over this past year iv seen how she is at being a mom and she is doing horable she constanly is giving him off to other people to watch him while she drives around town for hours doing nothing exept sleeping with guys and hanging out with her friends she hasnt had my son with her for a fulll week sence he was born and now she is putting child support on me and i can almost bet its because she wants money and idk what to do....i am currently unemployed and unable to work because i cant see my eye sight is so horable i cant see anything thats not a foot from my face and me and my gf are struggling as it just trying to make it by with one job untill i can get back up on my feet and ik this sounds bad but i do not wana pay that stupid ***** child support because ik that money wont go to him it will alll go to her and thats not what i want but ik the judge wont care because here in arkansas they protect the mothers more than the fathers and i can understand why but in this case i dont knw what would happen... i dont have money to hire a layer to try and fight for custody so he can be with someone that will at least care for him... and not ditch him off constantly and all of this is just stressing me out bad because idk how the court system works and idk if im doing something wrong or what im suppost to do i just really need some advice from someone more experienced...

If I disagree with Obama, am I racist by default?

No, but I suspect a large number of his loyalists will think you are. I think the biggest problem with racism is most people don't think they are, but its something we all suffer from to a larger or lesser degree. Sure, there are some who are major bigots, know it and don't care. We all are influenced by our upbringing, and try as we might to rid ourselves of it, some of it sticks. When we're honest with ourselves we realize that ones ethnicity has nothing to do with their ability to do a job.

Should NPR lose its FCC license for reporting this?

I fail to see why it should lose its licensing. If that's what the UN reported, then NPR is simply disseminating publicy-available news.

Dog sucking down 3 bowls of water, drooling all over - TOTALLY slimmy saliva instantly?

My dog has a clean automatic water bowl outside that has cool water in it, and an automatic feeder for her food. She is old now, and has a harder time moving arond, but hasn't appeared to be sick, although she has recently lost a lot of weight. She loves chicken treats from walgreens, but today wouldn't eat any. I brought her inside and put some of my little dogs food in front of her, which she's never allowed in when they are eating because she usually scarfs it all down completely, but she wouldn't touch it either. So I tried canned dog food, which she NEVER gets, and she wolfed it down completely like her old self - always acting like she is starving around any other food other than her own, (which she does like nad eat, but just greazes on all day since, once again, it is in an automatic feeder). Then she went to the "indoor" water bowl and drank and drank bowl after bowl as is she was dying of thirst. (Three full large size dog bowls). She was very sloppy about it, way more than usual, and then stood there with it just dripping and drooling out of her mouth. I went to wipe it off the floor, thinking it was just water, but it was sooooo slimmy and took tons of paper towels b/c it wouldn't soak in. How could so much of what she just instantly drank in, turn onto so much slime instantly??? She was NOT throwing water up, just drooling. So I put her back outside, which is when she did start throwing up all the canned food she just ate. When she was done, I called her back in but she didn't want to come back in... and she ALWAYS wants in. No signs of diahreah, never seen her throw up before, (although now I wonder since she has dropped sooo much weight so fast). I do live in Az. where we have hot weather already, but she sleeps in the shade all day but can't imagine her just being dehydrated considering her water never empty or too hot, but her nose IS very dry which is unusual for her too. She is now sleeping peacefully inside on the cool tile floor with no further symptoms other than the dry nose. Is the scarfing down water and all the SLIMEY saliva a sign of her dying? I'm assuming the throwing up was either because she scarfed down a 1/2 of a large can of pedigree which she's not used to, or because her she's been not eating - I wouldn't really know since here automatic feeder always has dog food in it, and she just ate too much???

How about my plan to save America? Well, at least to help a great deal?

Thats a great plan Dave lets submit it to the GOP since they will be the ruling party in 012, I am sure we can obtain the backing of the ASV ( American Society of Verminologists)

Tea partiers, former nsa exec says the nsa violated the Constitution. are you upset about that?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a former nsa exec says nsa violated Constitution

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is it normal to crush on the "bad boy"?

I'm a 14 year old girl but I have the biggest crush on our school's "bad boy". He's 17 and a total rebel and a jerk but I can't help but feel attracted to him. He's so handsome like gahh, it makes me drool. But I don't want to date him because I know I'll get hurt really bad because he smokes and drinks and does other drugs and is violent and gets into a lot of fights and once beat up a guy who was 24!!! I don't understand why I'm so attracted to him. He's so arrogant and stubborn and a bully, doesn't listen to anyone, always does things his way and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants. It's like I should hate him but I don't. I feel bad for liking him. Is it normal to have feelings for a guy like that?

Aquarium Plant Help???? Please?

To get rid of snails/parasites wash the plant with fresh water under a faucet also I'd get anacharis and hornwort they both grow large and are low light

Is my friend an idiot?

My friend Ingmar bet me $500 that the world will not end December 21 2012, I think that was very foolish because everyone knows that the end is near.

Puppy suddenly sick what do I do?

My beagle is 3 months old. This morning she was fine than this afternoon she started shaking, vomiting and drooling. The obvious is Vet but Its Sat eve. No money. She was in the garbage this morning and I put on a new flea collar last week. Me and the kids are scared for her. Please remember that the vet is not an option so anything else you can think of. Thank you for your time.

Has ron perlman ever narrated on man v. food?

there was a narrater on man v. food for greates meals or whatever. and i am curious to whom the narrator might be, i have a 100 dollar bet on this

How should my husband and I celebrate....?

uhg look the bible says no man can know the day or the hour, that only god the father knows, so this guy on this site is either confused or just lying. if this was true then that would mean that he knew the day, which would prove the bible wrong, and because the bible is this mans base for his argument, then if he is discrediting the bible he is discrediting himself and his own argument. this man is a lier, dont listen to him.

Does the tea party know that otto von bismarck started germany's national health care system, not hitler?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is the movie 'Super 8' scary? ?

I would like to take someone to see it, but they don't like scary movies... Is this a safe bet or should I look for something else?

Cat died after possibly ingesting something poisonous?

Four days ago, after being fine all morning, I noticed my cat was uncontrollably drooling, and sitting in one spot acting strangely. I tried giving her water, and cleaning the drool off, but she continued to drool constantly. I had no money to see a vet, and scoured the internet for answers as to why this was happening, and prayed that she was just going to throw up, and be okay. After about 40 minutes after noticing her drooling, She went into some sort of seizure/fit (meowing and jumping into walls accompanied by very heavy breathing, then just laid on my bathroom floor. after about ten minutes of sitting with her on the floor she died right in front of me. This is by far one of the hardest things I've ever been through, as I loved this cat very much (took her in as a stray about 8 years ago, and for some reason she only seemed to trust me out of my family, and was very skittish around others. Yet, she slept with me every night, and would practically never leave me alone. I'm assuming she had a history of abuse.) As my family didn't have much money, we weren't able to take her to the vet, but knew that she had obviously been spayed, and such. She could have possibly been up to four years old I'd say when we took her in. I took very good care of her, and she was always happy, and healthy seeming. (forgot, she looked to be an almost pure-bred Persian cat). My question is that after her dying, I noticed a spot where she had been drooling right before dying, and it looks almost as if there is glitter in it. I can't find anything with glitter, or anything like that in my home. Anyone have any ideas. I'm hoping this was a death due to some sudden illness, or freak occurrence, rather than poisoning, as I'm having so much trouble dealing with the guilt of not being able to take here to a vet.