Thursday, July 14, 2011

Has NPR become a bastion of feminist media subversion?

Of course it's debatable but I've also stopped donating to NPR for many reasons, one being, I think it's become something of a feminist FOX RADIO NEWS station, leaning heavily towards feminist diatribe, one sidedness. Of course when criticizing feminism you have to prepare for the knee jerk reaction. Like intelligently criticizing Israel for its atrocities and occupation of Gaza gets you labeled anti-Semetic unless you're Jewish or Israeli, even if your argument is based on factual data and being that I'm American and we Americans send over 3 billion dollars a year to Israel and help fund their occupation, we have every reasonable right to criticize their actions. Criticizing feminism gets you automatically labeled a misogynist unless you're a woman. It's an effective tool of the cowardly to hide behind political correct smoke screens. A good example of NPR's bias was on full display yesterday during Terry Gross' Fresh Air. I normally have been a longtime fan of her show for it's mostly intelligent and informative content and yes, I know Terry Gross is a feminist but feminism has some validity to it, it's usually the extremists, the man haters, that take it beyond over board into idiotic nonsensical gibberish territory. But last night, she digressed into just another cookie cutter man hater. She took what would have otherwise been an interesting and unique topic about a woman who served in Iraq in a death unit that deals with the dead soldiers and turned it into another whinny feminist rant, gender issues plug. She reduced the conversation from one with true content into a standard, idiotic discussion on what's between everyones legs. Some women join the military expecting to serve their country, others join and seem to think reality needs to be altered to suit their weaknesses and sense of fairness. It was a one sided conversation without any feed back from the male soldiers either in her unit or whom she worked cooperatively with from other platoons. It was an abhorrent example of the kind of hack journalism right-wing media outlets puke into the public sector daily, just coming from the left gone mad cow diseased. This is just one example of NPR's feminist bias, I have noticed several other examples, some of which are listed here already. I find it extremely disappointing and I've gone from being a long time contributor to refusing to give NPR another dime in till they show actual balance in their content that represents us all. With the world in such a state that it is, I'm sure there's plenty of things to report on. Focusing on a extremely privileged group such as college educated white women or their blue collar, white female counter parts without discussing reality or the struggles of working class males and how society's changes have effected us and what we are doing to cope, speaks nothing to me. If NPR wants to narrow its focus into myopic white privileged feminist rants then it should call its self NFR, National Feminist Radio because Public denotes a certain, for the public quality that it's losing to a groups narrow agendas.

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