Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is your reaction to the Pew Poll showing most Americans favor a path to citizenship for illegal aliens?

One # I wouldn't trust any poll that NPR put out.And coming from someone that knows Texas A&M I got to tell you She and maybe 1/2 dozen other people there feel this way.The College is by far very Conservative .Let Obama come here I bet he doesn't stay in a hotel on the border without having extra security.Or I would like for him to walk down the street here where I live after dark in the area where mostly illegals live.He wouldn't do it but he expects us to live with it.What a bunch of Bull crap.He and all other politicians know these people are a danger and an economic problem for us but neither he or the the rest of them have the B@lls to do anything about it.I say Obama bring it on and we here in Texas will show you what its really like regarding illegals.So he goes to El Paso a sanctuary city, Im sure they will be on their best behavior.No he needs to come to central Texas and talk to people that have been effected by illegals being here such as myself who's family had to sell their land in West Texas because if the danger of illegals crossing there.

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