Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is it normal to crush on the "bad boy"?

I'm a 14 year old girl but I have the biggest crush on our school's "bad boy". He's 17 and a total rebel and a jerk but I can't help but feel attracted to him. He's so handsome like gahh, it makes me drool. But I don't want to date him because I know I'll get hurt really bad because he smokes and drinks and does other drugs and is violent and gets into a lot of fights and once beat up a guy who was 24!!! I don't understand why I'm so attracted to him. He's so arrogant and stubborn and a bully, doesn't listen to anyone, always does things his way and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants. It's like I should hate him but I don't. I feel bad for liking him. Is it normal to have feelings for a guy like that?

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