Monday, July 11, 2011

Hear my story... I need someone to hear it. It could be a good read.?

If he continues to contact you, I think you should break down and just tell him the truth about how you feel. You never know, maybe he's bi and not as straight as you thought, because that doesn't seem like stuff your typical straight guy would do. If he isn't interested in a relationship with you after all, well, you may have to just buck up and ask him not to speak to you again, at least not for a while, like until after you've properly let go of your feelings for him. If he's a true friend to you, he will understand that it's hurting you when he flirts and plays with you like that, and he may be disappointed, but he will do as you wish. If that happens, it might help if you tell him that you'll keep his number handy for when you're feeling ready to be friends again. Try to keep it positive and light, and I'm sure everything will work out for the best, one way or another.

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