Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dog heat stroke - take to the vet?

my dog was playing outside for about 15 minutes and was panting very hard, then appeared dizzy and began to drool a lot. i poured water on her and took her home immediately and she seems absolutely fine now, but online it says that you should take your dog to the vet immediately after they experience these symptoms. she only exhibited these symptoms for about a minute before i poured water all over her and took her inside, she seems fine now and is running around and playing all over the place. is it necessary that i take her to the vet? i tried to call them but they are closed now, i would have to take her to the emergency vet. i plan to call my vet in the morning regardless as long as she still seems fine. she never experienced any sort of lethargy or anything, she still wanted to play the entire time but i made her stop.

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